Héctor Rebollo

Hello! I’m Héctor Rebollo.
UX Researcher & Psychologist

I’m a UX researcher, superhero comic-book nerd 🦸🏻‍♂️, and science fiction aficionado.

I’m a strong advocate for user research as the pillar of design decisions. I'm convinced that collecting information about people's needs, goals, mental models, expectations, and usage patterns in all stages of a product lifecycle help teams make better decisions not only about what path to take a design but also about how and what to prioritize.

Throughout my career I've been in different roles including User Experience Designer, UX/UI Design instructor, and Program Manager.

If you want to talk, check out some of these links!

Case Studies

Image of the On Call app design

On Call app

  • #Healthcare
  • #iOS

Doing research about the spanish healthcare system I discovered that during the emergency shifts doctors from all over the country rely on pieces of paper to remember the patients that they have yet to attend.

After doing interviews with doctors about the pain points of this approach and assessing tasks and behaviors, I designed an easy to use app to not only register the patients to attend, but also to check quick information that took precious time from them. Some features were added to adjust to already existing behaviors like saving cases to follow up in the following days.

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  • #HumanResources
  • #WebDesign

I developed a Software as a Service (SaaS) desktop web app for companies to use internally. My goal was to research the market and to meet with people working in companies to understand their needs in the Human Resources field, to then develop a solution that takes into account both the end user and the company management.

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Image of HR Web app design
Image of the add a feature to booking.com design

Adding average prices to Booking

  • #Travel
  • #Android

In the UX/UI design line of work, there are a lot of different projects we can undertake. Usually, people’s minds go to creating new apps or services, but more often than not you’ll find yourself working for a company that already has an established brand identity, and your work needs to adapt and reflect this already existing characteristics.
That's the case of this project in which I add the feature of seeing price alerts and average price ranges in the booking.com app.

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Comic book shop

  • #Ecommerce
  • #WebDesign

Working with a team of fellow designers we developed a Comic-book and merchandising e-commerce website focused on giving its clients the relevant information that they care about, like previews or the ability to reserve some items.
A big focus of this project was testing and developing a clear Information Architecture to make the clients' flow as seamless as possible.

Image of a comicbook e-commerce web design


User Experience Designer

  • Implement User Reseach and usability testing
  • Translate findings into actionable improvements of the product
  • Design of new features from conception to high fidelity prototypes
  • Redesign of main dashboard for different types of users
  • Assess and refine user flows and website navigation

UX/UI Design Teacher Associate

  • Teach lessons focused on User Research
  • Coach students about the design process
  • Create and assess assignments on design, HTML, and CSS
  • Prepare and perform onboarding sessions
  • Communication with external companies and stakeholders
  • Sing karaoke in company celebrations

Program Manager

  • Collect and transform data into actionable items to improve student experience
  • Coordinate and lead the teaching team, supporting and delivering feedback
  • Hiring and onboarding
  • Manage students and operations for all Barcelona campus courses
  • Create, optimize and document program processes


Hector teaching a masterclass

With a background in General Sanitary Psychology and after working as a psychologist for a couple of years, I decided to make a career change. I enrolled in a UX/UI Design bootcamp in Barcelona and when I finished I was hired to be part of the education team as a Teacher Associate where I was able to support and coach 57 students from all over the world to achieve their goal of becoming UX/UI Designers.

I have experience as User Experience Designer in DNV GL as part of the Instatrust team, where we worked on a digital green energy market platform. Later on I came back to Ironhack, the tech school where I started, to be the Barcelona Program Manager and continue making an impact on people's lives.